Become a part of 3D Friends
Our Values
The most important values for us is to ensure the place for young people, where they have:
We help to implement the ideas of youth through various projects and to explore and use every given possibility to express ourselves
Regardless of cultural, social, financial, physical differences - each is equel and important member
We provide a place where you can find people with the same values as yours, to unite and achieve more together

Are you interested? Please fill the form and become a part of 3DFriends!

Form to join
Vēlamās darbības jomas (iespējams vairāk nekā viena ) / Preffered scopes of volunteering (more than one possible) / Предпочтительные области действия (возможны множественные ответы)
Darba grupas / Рабочие группы / Working groups
Нажимая на кнопку, вы даете согласие на обработку персональных данных и соглашаетесь c политикой конфиденциальности
By clicking on the button, you consent to the processing of personal data and agree to the privacy policy
Noklikšķinot uz pogas, jūs piekrītat personas datu apstrādei un piekrītat konfidencialitātes politikai
Do you have questions?
Please contact us, and we will provide more infromation for you
Want more information?
You can take a look to some of our projects