✨Where did the idea come from?
Our project idea came from a past project where we formed a theatre group with the deaf community called Think Feel Act. We realised that to communicate better directly with the deaf community, it would be helpful for us to learn Latvian Sign Language (LSL).

As we spent more time together, people on social media and those attending our events got interested in learning LSL too. Learning sign language wasn't meant to make us interpreters; However, we found that existing resources had limitations, especially for casual learners. The videos we used were old, they didn´t have full phrases for communication and they didn't have signs for modern words like "Instagram" or "WhatsApp."
Our results will be:
Video vocabulary on social media (Instagram) and website
1 Local Solidarity Corps project
At least 100 people will be involved in activities of the project (sum of hearing and non-hearing)
Photos for exhibition
✨Target Audience
LSL courses are aimed at young people from 15-30, but again prioritising 18+, because of the target audience of the 3D Friends organisation.

We strongly believe that Latvian sign language should be known to every citizen of Latvia, because it is our official language, as much important as Latvian. So we don't want to limit the target audience for our video vocabulary in social media.
In details the activities we will carry out in chronological order, in the table below. The different phases: preparation, implementation, evaluation, sharing of results.
1 month/ JANUARY
Preparation activities. Signing the internal agreements with team members.
Kick-off meeting about project activities plan and responsibilities dividing.

2 month / FEBRUARY
Creating visualisation of our project, figure out the most needed topics of video vocabulary for the first 5 months. Find the best LSL teacher for a group of maximum 6 people. Team meeting to evaluate project progress and checking on project tasks with a mentor. Create a post in social media about project concept explanation.
3 month / MARCH
Video vocabulary filming p1. With topics that we created together with a team
Publishing first videos on websites and on social media.
Open first LSL learning group. 1 Lesson for 1.5 hours, twice per week. 4 lessons in sum.
Team meeting with a mentor to evaluate project progress and event feedbacks to improve for the next steps
Work on a project website page

4 month / APRIL
Open first LSL learning group. 1 Lesson for 1.5 hours, twice per week. 4 lessons in sum.
Publishing videos of video - vocabulary on website (long version) and on social media (short version)
Team meeting with a mentor to evaluate project progress and event feedbacks to improve for the next steps
Work on a project website page
5 month /MAY
Publishing videos of video - vocabulary on website (long version) and on social media (short version)
Middle evaluation with team and mentor. Share feedback of followers and people who were supporting project ideas.
Yacht event during which we will facilitate group bonding activities and have communication activities, to discover more about deaf culture and play some art games using techniques from art therapies methodologies, this will help not only to make a good connection between participants but also reduce stress and anxiety levels.
Work on a project website page
Team meeting with a mentor to evaluate project progress and event feedbacks to improve for the next steps

6 month / JUNE
Publishing videos of video - vocabulary on website (long version) and on social media (short version)
Open second LSL learning group. 1 Lesson for 1.5 hours, twice per week. 4 lessons in sum.
Team meeting with a mentor to evaluate project progress and event feedbacks to improve for the next steps.
Social media work with audience - to boost some social media challenge connected to LSL or more interact with audience in a topic of LSL
Work on a project website page
7 month / JULY
Publishing videos of video - vocabulary on website (long version) and on social media (short version)
Camping for 3 days in Veczemju Klintis with 24 people 12 hearing and 12 non hearing, during this camp we want to have bonding activities using some practicies from the Mindful Art project (previous ESC project) and from theatre, as well as we want to create a workshop about Erasmus+ and ESC program so participants would be able to create their own projects on spot
Team meeting with a mentor to evaluate project progress and event feedbacks to improve for the next steps
Work on a project website page
8 month / AUGUST
Video vocabulary filming p.2 with topics that our followers wants to know
Team meeting with a mentor to evaluate project progress and event feedbacks to improve for the next steps
Publishing videos of video - vocabulary on website (long version) and on social media (short version)
Work on a project website page
9 month / SEPTEMBER
Open third LSL learning group. 1 Lesson for 1.5 hours, twice per week. 4 lessons in sum.
Publishing videos of video - vocabulary on website (long version) and on social media (short version)
Team meeting with a mentor to evaluate project progress and event feedbacks to improve for the next steps
Work on a project website page
10 month / OCTOBER
Publishing videos of video - vocabulary on website (long version) and on social media (short version)
Third community building event, clay workshop + practice of LSL and discussions.
Team meeting with a mentor to evaluate project progress and event feedbacks to improve for the next steps
Preparing for dissemination event: print out photos, collect materials from meetings, find some sponsors who would like to support event (free cookies and juices)
Work on a project website page
11 month / NOVEMBER
Publishing videos of video - vocabulary on website (long version) and on social media (short version)
Create a gifts/visibility products for participants (canva bags maybe)
Work on a project website page
Dissemination offline event with presentation of full video vocabulary, photos from project events and results that were achieved during the project. Communication during events and future planning. At least for 30 people
12 month /DECEMBER
Publishing videos of video - vocabulary on website (long version) and on social media (short version)
Work on a project website page
Final Evaluation of the project with a mentor.
Preparation for the final report
Collecting all documents (participant lists from events, internal agreements, mentor list, bills and any other docs)
Collecting all links and feedbacks
How will project benefit local community?
The benefits are to raise awareness about the deaf community, to break some stereotypes about them, and to try to open up this non-hearing world to hearing people. Our project will help us to better understand each other and start to think more about inclusivity on a national level.

Changes will happen in the minds of people who are around us. People in the wider community can become curious and interested in other cultures. We experienced this already in previous projects making events together with the non-hearing community, and we are more than happy to continue to collaborate with each other and create equal opportunities for both hearing and non-hearing youngsters.
Bonding events were chosen from the previous project Mindful Art, the most successful events that really helped to bond a group and both communities liked the activity. Non-formal methods that we will use during activities will also be taken from previous projects working with the deaf community, Mindful Art and Think Feel Act part 2 projects.
How does project link to the objectives of the European Solidarity Corps?
The project supports youth goals:
#11 Youth Organisations & European Programmes
Spreading awareness about the ESC program and fostering new ideas development during our project activities.
#8 Quality Learning
Non-formal education access for youngsters coming from different cultural and social backgrounds. Making quality LSL video vocabulary will be accessible to all youngsters and not only on a national scale.
#10 Sustainable Green Europe
During the events we will spend an idea of green Europe and make our project as sustainable as possible. Using only eco-friendly materials, and vegetarian-only menus.
#3 Inclusive Societies
We as a cultural minority of Latvia have a lot of young friends from Ukraine, and Belarus who will join our events, as well as we have a strong bond between us and the deaf community in Latvia. Making our events inclusive we will be happy to see you from different backgrounds in our project activities.
✨The methods and tools we with our team will use to understand if we have achieved our plans and how successful it was
All of our objectives are done
in the end of the project we have at least 20 videos with sign language vocabulary, 3 group bonding events, short LSL course for youngsters, to submit at least 1 common Erasmus+ or ESC project, photo exhibition from the events
Friendship/collaborations between hearing and non hearing people in their personal life
Collecting feedback
Collecting feedback from our participants after events, course and about videos using surveys, reflections on the events, quotes
Google Drive
Creating an online google drive folder for our project for all the materials we will use, using other helpful digital programs or materials (notion, video editing, etc)
Budget monitoring, creating an online Excel doc with all the financial part
One time per month meetings and reflections with our team using special non-formal education methods from our personal experience/knowledges or finding new ways of reflections
Reflection on the project during project report writing part
Social Media statistic
Checking the statistic from our social media videos/posts, using special statistic tool
During each event use a participants list with the name, surname, contact info and agreement of photo/video shooting
Photos and videos from the events
Photos and videos from the events
Other people/organisations are reposting our sign language vocabulary videos
All the participants of our events can communicate in Latvian sign language

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