Legal representative
Veronica is a financial guru of the team. She is getting her Masters in project management and there is no project without her guidance.
Veronika Saulīte
Legal representative
Karina is where all the communication of 3D Friends is, she is great with all the partners and she has the best interviews. Karina always brings aesthetics by her presence.
Karīna Kožare
Legal representative
Anželika is the main representative person of the team, she is always there saying the best speeches. She is getting her bachelor in Politics. She has a huge youth work background and 3D Friends is the place where she brings her experience.
Anželika Zuba
Legal representative
Diana is a person in our team who is always in a good mood. She is getting her Masters in IT, and in future we hope to develop our organisations digital skills.
Diana Drozdova
Legal representative
Viorika is a marketing guru, she built the digital marketing strategies for 3D Friends and is the one who understands all those scary Google ads.
Viorika Černaeva
Legal representative
Donat is the best boy in our team <3
Donat Platonov